

Kenley Gets Chummy with Better Homes & Gardens

So this totally normal thing happened on Tuesday: some people showed up with a bunch of camera equipment and took pictures of my baby girl’s room.

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This is me calmly handling this totally normal event:

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I think at the time this photo was taken, Stacey and Evan (the camera crew…we’re on a first-name basis) were contemplating how to tell Kristine, the amazing stylist, that she couldn’t take Kenley back to Boston with her. Kristine was contemplating how to inform Kenley that the mysterious foreign substance she was gripping in her chubby baby fingers was hair.


It kills me that these pictures are so noisy. Next time a national magazine makes the mistake of thinking my home should grace its pages and Rick tells me to fix the camera settings before he takes the pictures, I will listen.

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Anyway, you can see that one of us got to wear ruffle-butt pants and the other wore lip gloss for like the first time ever.

Kristine: You’ll just want to wear lipstick a bit darker than your normal color.

Me: What is lipstick?


Listening to and watching the crew work their magic was the best part. Pouf too tall for the photo? No problem; just take out some of the stuffing. Closet curtain too wrinkly? No problem; take one panel down. Crib not angled properly? No problem; prop it up with some 2x4s.


Kristine arrived Monday to talk through some things and help pick out our outfits. You can see from the different pictures that Kenley had a wardrobe change after her first nap; they decided that the pink was washing her out too much (what? a baby of mine? pale? no.) so Kristine magically reached into her closet and selected the new outfit. You should know that she did not, as my stylist, recommend the toothbrush be part of my outfit.


The equipment itself was also pretty impressive. Not that I expected them to show up with their camera phone or something, but, you know. Still.



After the shoot was over, Kristine interviewed me for the little blurb that will accompany the photo. I had another What is lipstick moment when she asked what my decorating style was. Um? I don’t know? Wing-it-and-hope-it-works? Sounds about right.

In sum, the day was pretty lame. And by lame, I mean hands-down one of the coolest days ever, after Kenley’s birth and stuff, and I am so thankful to have had this experience. Rick was thrilled that he got to be there, and we are all so excited to see the final print version. My mom plans to stand in the supermarket aisle and direct all traffic to her “famous” granddaughter…who will be autographing copies in drool, should anyone be interested. ;)


  1. That is so cool! And really awesome that you go to take pictures of them taking pictures :D That will be a fun memory!

  2. Amazing!!! You look fantastic and so does your sweet girl.

  3. Really, really cool!!! You are both adorable. :)

  4. How exciting!! I cant wait till it comes out. What month will it be in again? Please tell your mom not to buy up all the copies haha.
    Also, I love that picture of the two of you. And the toothbrush one made me laugh. How nonchalant of you lol.

    1. haha I'll pass it on...and it will be the July issue, so will come out sometime in June I think!

  5. I am soooooooo camping out in the Safeway check-out aisle that stocks BH&G the month of June! Kenley looks so precious, you look fabulous & her room is absolutely perfect. Congrats again on the photo spread!

  6. this is so so fantastic! I can NOT wait to see you guys in print! How exciting! can't wait to see the final. and you both look adorbs. ADORBS.

  7. I'm totally gonna be a shameless name - dropper too. like for reals. Target is gonna love me when this comes out. You have friend - fans for life, yo. Even David thinks this is pretty awesome and he's hard to impress (not really).

  8. So. Freakin. Cool. I'm super happy for you!!

  9. How exciting!! I can't wait to see the finished article!
    The pictures of you and Kenley are so cute!

  10. This is amazing. I can't wait to see you in the magazine!!

  11. That Kenley is just too cute, as is her bedroom! So excited for your big feature - can't wait to see it! :)

  12. Your daughter will be famous in OKC too. :-) " want this magazine. What? No, we have never meet but trust me..."

    1. Okay.... so I don't have two deleted comments.... met not meet.... just like the 'your daughter' shouldn't have been "you're daughter" which is why I deleted the first comment. Apparently my brain is not with it...

  13. Amazing!!!!! You're living every blogger's dream!

  14. Sooooo cool! What an amazing experience! Totally deserved! Congratulations! :)

  15. YAY! I can't wait to see the end result. You two girls look gorgeous!

  16. I think my BHG subscription stopped. I need to pay better attention to my mail. Better resubscribe so I can see two of the cutest faces ever in it!

  17. You're awesome!!! How cool!! And totally deserved, based on my observations! :)

  18. I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Seriously - you totally deserve this, looked amazing and I can't wait to see your beautiful face in print. Gosh. So excited for you.

  19. This is SOOO awesome!! I can't wait to see your article! What a wonderful experience to share with Kenley when she grows up!

  20. ERIN!!!! SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you - I will definitely buy a copy! Maybe I'll even tell the cashier "I KNOW HER! Well....sort of.....through the internet.........." :-) WOO HOO!

  21. This is awesome! Congratulations! Seriously so exciting! Are you still pinching yourself?

  22. Anonymous5/08/2014

    First, the room looks awesome, WTG! Second, I am so excited for you and can't wait to buy BH&G next month and Third, you crack me up! Love your writing style :)

  23. Ahhh!!!!! OMG this is so cool!!! I am so happy for you! And that room is total amazeballs!! Kenley is going to have this forever and she is going to grow up and tell all of her friends how awesome her Mom is. You rocked it in your lipstick. :)

  24. Stopping by after reading your Better Homes & Gardens page. Super duper duper cute! I had no idea you could do that with a Cricut!

  25. I just read your article in Better Homes & Gardens! Love what you have done to this place! What an exciting thing!!!

  26. Haha, so cute! Esp. the autographing in drool part :)) lol


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