
Farewell, Fleshy Walls and Gangrenous Trim. {Spare Bedroom Progress}

In the continuing saga of “Frantic Nesting at Erin and Rick’s House,” I present to you the latest installment of upstairs progress: the formerly fleshy and gangrenous spare bedroom.

spare bedrm during 10

When we first moved in, we non-affectionately referred to this room as the Rope Room because A) the previous owners had decorated with thick rope all around the perimeter and trim and B) we are clever. In case you ever decide to glue rope to your house, the method they used involved giant staples AND glue—you know, in case the staples got lazy and decided to take the day off.

Picture2In the name of all things original plaster and trim, please do not glue rope to your house. Thank you.

They also should have gotten a refund for that color match paint job there. It’s like when you put on sunscreen and miss a spot and get burned there and only there.


Soooo the following is a list of tasks completed in this room in the past 2.5 years:

  1. Rip down rope.Picture2
  2. Install mess and weird light fixture.DSC_1662
  3. …that’s it.

But NO MORE. Because a few weeks ago, the poor, neglected spare bedroom became the final victim in our Get the Upstairs Ready for Carpet scheme. Just like the nursery, the original plaster walls were pockmarked and rough, and the trim was gangrenous gross and bumpy and peeling. So just like the nursery, the room got the skim coat treatment along with sanded and painted trim. Carpet was also removed.

spare bedrm during 2

Also just like the nursery, the walls are Benjamin Moore’s Gray Owl mixed at 50% lighter, and the trim and ceiling are Benjamin Moore’s Simply White. The same-old same-old color choices go along with my plan to not spend so much time making little house decisions. I knew both of those were tried and true so I just went with it.

spare bedrm

The closet also got some love.


This room will eventually become somebody’s “big kid” room, but for now, we’re just going to try not to let miscellaneous junk take a dump in there. Other than that, we have no plan for it.

spare bedrm 2

Hope everyone is having a good week! This pregnant lady begins school in a week. Time flies when you are turning your house upside-down…or watching somebody else do it for you. (To be fair, I did don a mask and do some painting through all of this.)

Psst…want to see the rest of our upstairs progress? Check out the newly drywalled common room, the closet Rick and relatives built, the herringbone accent wall, and the nursery curtains and paint!


  1. Anonymous8/21/2013

    I've said it before and I'll say it again – the previous owners of your house are kind of my heroes. Obviously, none of their decorating choices were my style but I just love how they really committed to them....

    AND THAT CLOSET!!! It's dreamy. It has a window! I would totally turn it into a sewing room.

  2. OMG so much better!!!! but wow gotta love that rope trim.... it needs reinstalling. ;)

    1. Reinstalling at YOUR house, you mean? Okay I’ll be right over. ;)

  3. I like your color choices a lot. So bright and cheery!

    Off to install rope molding....

  4. I have no words...I think I would have liked to have seen that room decorated - was it a nautical theme? Cowboy? Hm....huge improvement! Love your color scheme.

    1. Well there was a deer head mounted to the wall (they they fortunately took with them...eek), but other than that, there was no evidence of a "theme." So who knows.

  5. Good job for making quick house choices!! Things are looking good over there!

  6. It looks so great in there now! I am infinitely jealous of that closet.

  7. but why the rope? i need answers! haha looking good. I am the same as you. I know the color scheme works so I go with it. I don't like taking HUGE risks all the time!

  8. Seriously? Rope? What was it, a rodeo practice room? Maybe they watched too much "Hey Dude" back in the olden days? (Okay, showing my age on that one.) Loving your quick decisions and big improvements. Good luck on the return to school!

  9. Love that color choice! It looks so refreshing now!

  10. You should write a book based on all the crazy stuff the previous owners did..."When Good Houses Have Bad Owners"...or something. Love the clean/crisp color choice too. Makes me happy - that and the two cinnamon rolls I just downed while reading this post.

  11. What the........I almost spit my milk out over the rope. Not sure I have ever heard to someone trimming a room out with rope. I would have loved to have met these previous owners of yours! BTW gray owl is color we used in our nursery. Love it!

  12. Love how bright & airy the room is with new paint. (although, that rope trim idea will be awesome in my office where we have a nautical theme goin' on... Ahoy, matey!)

    So jelly of the lovely window in the closet! Big sister will love that when the room is hers.

    Praying for your start-of-school. Doubly stressful when you're carrying around a "swimmer". Have a wonderful day!

  13. Rope. Fancy. It looks so fresh and clean now! Nice work!
    An empty room would not last long in our house; good luck keeping it this way, lol ;)

  14. the rope? that is so strange! it looks so good now!

  15. Sooo when will you reinstall the rope? It looks so fresh and happy now! Amazing what a little nesting can do!

  16. What in the what?! That rope was really something. Thank you for turning that room around...it had potential, it just needed Erin and Rick's touch! :)

  17. Yay for nesting! Is it strange I can't wait for that? I feel like I'll get so much done. Or Kevin will. :)

    Good luck with the start of classes!

  18. This looks great! What a huge difference already!

    Hope your first week of school went swimmingly.

  19. What a difference! That closet + window = amazing space!

  20. You guys are really making some amazing progress!! Go you!!

    And good luck with school! :)

  21. Can I just say:
    Rope wall accents are so weird (I mean, really...who does that?)
    And you and Rick are awesome.
    Loving the grayish-owllike walls. It's totally not fowl. ;)


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