

No, I am not dead.

Contrary to popular belief, or at least the recesses of one’s wildest imagination, I have neither succumbed to the avian flu nor lost my computer in a freak hail storm. I am not deceased, I am not busy, I am not giving up on blogging. I’m just…not blogging. Yeah, okay, like there’s a difference. Truthfully, I’ve just had other things going on, and blogging has just not been one of them. I am not going to pretend that this marks the start of a refreshed and regular blogging routine, because it’s probably not. I do still enjoy blogging, but it just hasn’t been a priority, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Speaking of my priorities these days, though, let’s talk about this face. Specifically, I hear that this face is on page 164 of some magazine. I’ve yet to lay eyes on said page myself, but allegedly it’s true.

DSC_1684 copy

Other than that face, I’ve been up to a little of this, a little of that. A little of starting a photography business, a little of buying a new house. Do you like how I slipped that new house bit in there, all cool and nonchalant-like? It’s like I’m the suave high school boy and you are my soon-to-be prom date, and I’m leaning on your locker. Except I just compared myself to a high school boy, which I vowed never to do. Okay, I never actually vowed, I just, well, never mind. Does this really need an explanation?

What is the point of this blog post, again?

Oh yeah, to remind you that I haven’t blogged in a while…or, apparently, to ramble on about nothing of significance in a feeble attempt to blog about something of partial significance.

On that note, I leave you with this picture. Because it is my favorite, and there are no rules about blog post focus when you are a fake blogger and abandon your blog for months on end.


Happy Friday, y’all. :)


  1. I'm a bit of a fake blogger too. sporatic blogging fo' life. (I hope not). I wanna hear/see all about a new house though so you gotta keep me in the loop even if it's via email or fb, 'cuz I'm a nosy/demanding friend. Also, the world needs your there's that. ;)

    love you, friend. and in all seriousness, I'm glad your able to focus on what's most important right now. sounds like you're exactly where you need to be.

    1. I basically second EVERYTHING Faith says!! So glad to "hear" from you again!

  2. Oh. It is true, my friend. You can ask my coworker who probably thought I had totally lost my mind as I was giggling like a dork and waving it in front of his face. :-p

  3. NEW HOUSE! Whatttttttttttttttttttttttttt

    1. yeaaahhhhh...someday I'll get around to expanding on that revelation, lol.

  4. wow!!!!! so much excitement going on!!!! YAY!

  5. Anonymous6/13/2014

    You have your own writing voice for sure. I enjoy reading when you do post. Congrats on living a blessed life. Enjoy the juice out of it!

  6. More than anything, you're a new mom. Blogging will wait. Those first teeth and first steps won't. <3

  7. Can you and that child of yours get any cuter? I'm not thinking it's possible.

    Excited to hear more about these fun life changes! (That means I'm forcing you to blog more.) Mwahhahaha

  8. New house?! How exciting!

    And that picture makes this the cutest blog post ever! :)

  9. Anonymous6/14/2014

    I am here because I saw that darling room and baby in the magazine this morning. Congrats!!


    1. Thank you! I can't wait to see the hard copy myself :)

  10. Yay, welcome back! I'll expect daily posts now. Also: MORE ON THE NEW HOUSE!

  11. You have so many exciting things ahead!! (cough cough.. I SAW YOU IN A MAGAZINE!!!!) and you look so so gorgeous!! Congrats again, friend! I wish you all the luck in your new business! :)

  12. Gorgeous photo of the two of you. Happy to see your name in my reader. Which, by the way, had 450 unread posts. So I'm clearly behind, too.

  13. Also - can't wait to hear more about this new house. NBD.

  14. Oh! I do hope your new house is an old house...
    BTW -- so ♥ the pic of you with your hair up.

  15. I picked you up at the grocery store last week!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. I'm with you ... other priorities right now (for me, it's an Etsy shop making pillow covers). I may blog once a quarter now. Then again, I'm no Jenny Komenda, so I don't think there's anyone out there waiting desperately to hear from me!

  17. Anonymous8/04/2014

    Kind of a bummer you're not blogging all your great stuff regularly since it's kind of a big deal that BHG featured you with your blog info, but whatev.

  18. I know I'm late to the party... but, aside from the ADORABLE Kenley picture, the thing that got me SUPER excited about this post is a mention of a new house! Can't wait to see pictures of your new digs... #inspiration :)

  19. I would guess your life is a little bit full right now but I just had to wish you a very Merry Christmas and tell you that I was thinking about you today so I said a prayer for your sweet family.

  20. Psssst..... Erin.... Y U NO BLOG???? :-p


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