

The “Erin & Ricky Should Get Married” Club {Sentimental Gallery Wall Update}

I was going through a folder of some sentimental gooey stuff the other day and re-discovered these clever notes that had been sent by some official members of the “Erin and Ricky Should Get Married” Club. I mean, by Erin and Bicky.


This club had precisely two official members. These two official members were six and seven respectively when the club was founded. These two official members also plotted to play chicken ice hockey at our wedding reception and went so far as to put their flip-flops in the freezer in preparation. This was, perhaps, in celebration of the fact that their club succeeded in its mission.


Today, those two club members are still our baby sisters but have since learned the difference between a “B” and an “R.” They also no longer take an active interest in frozen poultry athletics. But since their notes still make me smile, and turned out to be prophetic in a way, it only seemed fitting to scan and print them and make them a part of our bedroom gallery wall.


gallery wall

It’s especially fitting because tomorrow, June 28th, marks the five-year anniversary of Erin and Bicky being married.

Wedding 006

Time flies when life together brings new jobs, new smiles, new places to live. Time flies when your husband is your best friend. Time flies when you find yourself, five years later, carrying the child that you created with the man who makes each day complete, and knowing that the moment you see him holding your daughter for the first time will be one of the best moments of your entire life.

So Happy 5th Anniversary, Rick. I love you! (And seriously--can I start calling you Bicky now? It has a certain ring to it.) ;)

Psst…you can see more specifics of our bedroom gallery wall here.


  1. So cute! I've never heard of chicken ice hockey - but I think I'm concerned ;)

    Congrats on five years!

    1. haah I had never heard of it either...I am happy to report that no chicken was harmed at our wedding. ;)

  2. This is the cutest! Happy anniversary :)

  3. Happy Anniversary! Time totally flies when you get old. The gallery wall art is priceless!

  4. Love this! Happy Anniversary!!

  5. Happy Anniversary!! What a sweet sweet post! You guys are adorable :)

  6. Love the club, love the art and your sentiment at the end had me a little teary. It was very sweet. Happy anniversary!!

  7. So sweet! What a great addition to your gallery wall!

    Happy Anniversary! :)

  8. Happy Anniversary! Good thing you framed that... hand written notes like that are practically extinct. Someday your children will ask you, "What do you use to make markings like that on paper?" Haha! Congrats on five years... isn't marriage wonderful?

  9. Wooo Hooo Happy Anniversary!!

    Love the cute collages!!

    To many more years with lots of love and laughter!!!

  10. Wow, time sure flies! Heather and Regan look so little! Happy Anniversary!

  11. Congratulations, Erin & Bicky!!! Your little tale brought a tear to my eye on this rainy Friday morning.

  12. I'm baaaack. :) Oh how I've missed this.
    1) Holy cow - you're preggo?!! Me too (blog post forthcoming...but the short-version is God is good.)
    2)Happy Anniversary Erin and Bicky!!!! We just celebrated our 7th and boy was it a joyful one. Congrats to you both and prayers for many, many more. xoxo

  13. That? Is adorable.

    Happy anniversary Erin and Bicky! :)

  14. Is that your baby girl's name? PLEEEEEASE PLEASE!! Happy anniversary! :)

  15. Cute! Happy Anniversary Erin and Bicky! I love Kelly's idea. Bicky, or what was the other name one your student suggested? I forget, but I do remember it was very pretty for a young lady. ;)

    1. Yes, Turd Pickle. It's definitely a runner-up. ;)

    2. Phew, I am so glad you remembered that one. ;)

  16. I bet very few people have a cute story like that or a husband named Bicky. ;)
    A little late, but Happy 5th Anniversary, you two! The years do go by quickly. I realized the other day, I've now been with Justin half my life (dating plus marriage). Oh my word, that makes me sound so old.

    Here's to the next 5 and then some!!! :)


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