

Awkward Alert: We made a vlog.

Question: what happens when you are in the middle of a project, your husband makes a string of comments and follows them up by saying “Hey, I sound like a commercial,” and you happen to own a camcorder and have been dying to make a vlog for your blog for, like, the past 5 minutes? The answer is, naturally, you make a vlog that hints evasively and overly dramatically at the project (which warrants neither drama nor secrecy, in reality) while somehow managing to not laugh ridiculously throughout the entire thing, even when your cat bites you. MTV, here we come.

camcorder cartoon

It’s less than a minute long so it won’t cut into your blog surfing, I promise. If it does, you can just yell “VLOGGY VLOG VLOG” at the screen in an irritated tone, as long as nobody is around to wonder why you are doing that. Also, you are welcome to laugh at us. We laughed at us quite a bit as we edited our one minute of wonder.

So: any guesses about this elusive project that we were working on when we were inspired to write a dramatically corny script and record ourselves? Who thinks we could make it on MTV? Who thinks we’d be laughed off MTV? I realize we’d probably have a better shot if we learned to tan frequently and/or get pregnant at the age of 15 and/or infiltrate the home of Lil’ Wayne and then record the video. Maybe next time. This was just Episode 1, after all. ;)


  1. You guys are a hoot! Gingerbread is a natural.

  2. MORE VLOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the melancholy piano music in the background. My guess is you are doing some sort of upholstery project? Although, since you are working on your closet it might be something for that....

  3. Rachel2/01/2012 made my morning!

  4. Haha! I love this! Such a great way to start the day!

    Oooh, are you going to tuft something???

  5. UPHOLSTERY???? too fun!!

  6. CUUUUUUUTE!!! hehehehee!!

  7. Pleeeeease make more! I cracked up. My guess is you're crocheting bonnets for the felines...explains Gingerbread's appalled countenance.

    1. hahahaha hadn't thought of that but it is a fabulous idea...maybe when I'm 95 and a full-blown cat lady ;)

  8. ok, that was so silly!!!!!!

  9. ps- i meant that in a good way! :)

  10. So funny! You 2 need to move to BC so we can hang out all day and you can make me laugh:) Umm, knitting?

  11. Hmmm I have no idea although I like the previous guess of tufting. Very funny though! Love your guys wit and humour!

  12. These were my thoughts in order:
    "I LOVE it when other bloggers make vlogs!"
    "Awww Erin has an accent!"
    "They're basting a turkey?" <<I don't even think you use needles for that?
    "I need a cat."

    MORE VLOGS PLEASE! This timing is funny because just yesterday I told Andy I wanted to make one. He goes "Why? You're much better in writing than you are in person." (A joke? I'm still not sure.)

    1. hahahaha I am dying over the turkey basting part....

  13. You're teaching Rick how to sew pillows using a really big needle so he won't lose it (the needle that is)!

  14. This is so fun!!! The only thing I know of that involves big needles is maybe knitting? To be honest, I think I would rather watch this on MTV than what they think is entertaining!

  15. Rick gives you your flu shot. I totally win. :P

  16. Ha! You two are so much fun. My husband would throw me out the window if I ever told him we were filming a vlog.

  17. Haha! love this! I'm not sure what you've got in store - maybe some sort of upholstery project? or you're knitting a very large blanket for the kitties :)

  18. Hilarious! The music totally added to the drama.
    Mayhap you're taking a millinery course & the rather large lacy tea bonnet you've created is crying out for a rather long hat pin? Rick can skewer an old brooch & your done!

  19. I can hardly wait for episode 2. Looks like Gingerbread wasn't quite ready for her close up Mr. DeMille.

  20. hahaha all of these guesses are killing me...they are all actually much more interesting than our actual project. Sad. :)

  21. Sorry, but for that particular movie I think Brendan would not have liked the lighting...

    1. hahaha is it that obvious that we didn't go to film school for 4 years?

  22. I'm too scared to guess...but the good news is I laughed WITH you. ;)
    You guys are too cute.


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