

Our DIY Christmas Stockings

I’ve been wanting to make Christmas stockings for us since last Christmas, but didn’t get around to it until a few days ago. Here’s the product of approximately 3 hours of my time and 1.5 yards of gray denim:
If you can’t tell, the one with the bow is mine, and the other one is Rick’s. He wanted a “manly” stocking. However, with most Christmas decorations involving glitter and fluffy white stuff, I’m not sure if there is such a thing as a “manly” stocking, unless it has a glittery Santa wearing a Tim Tebow jersey riding on a John Deere tractor or something, in which case it will never cross the threshold of my home. At any rate, I did my best to not make his scream I WAS MADE BY A CHICK WHO REFUSED TO WEAR ANYTHING BUT DRESSES UNTIL SECOND GRADE.
The fabric came from Joann’s for 85 cents a yard (I heart red tag clearance), and I also used it to make this pillow flower embellishment and to cover this lampshade. Since it only took about 1.5 yards to make both of the stockings, this whole project cost just a little over a dollar, making it quite possibly my cheapest DIY project yet.
I took 32 pictures of the process, so I have a little organizing to do, but am planning on posting the tutorial for both of the stockings by the end of this century week. In the meantime, we got our Christmas tree this weekend, so we have a few other things to do, like hang ornaments, put up lights, hire an armed guard to keep the cats away…you know, the usual. :)
Happy Monday, friends!


  1. These are so cute! I cannot decide which one I like more...

    In other news... I would never let a Tim Tebow adorned stocking cross my threshold either... but slap Brandon Weeden or Justin Blackmon on (or heck.. IN it) and you bet it has a place on my mantel! (or rather, wall, since we don't have a mantel!)

    Also - I love that fabric! When you post the tutorial at the end of this week (there - now someone else has said it so now you like, have to) will you include the deets on it?

  2. i love those- the color is beautiful and looks fab with that bright green!

  3. These are fabulous! And as always you put a smile on my face. Happy Monday!

  4. Very cute! I love the gray because it's so not "traditional."

  5. Love your Stockings! They are so clean and sophisticated.

  6. I can't wait to see the tutorial! I need to either find/make some stockings for Joe and I and I love the way yours turned out!

  7. Wow, once again, you did a FANTASTIC job. I actually like Rick's stocking the best! You seriously have some awesome crafting talent. :-)

  8. These are gorgeous! Both of them. I love them. I've been wanting to make some for a long time too - we don't really ever use them - so maybe now's the time? (After I read your tutorial and magically acquire all your skillz.)

  9. These are amazing! Looking forward to the tutorials.

  10. Oh my. These are beautiful.

    I made stockings this year too! Mine are much more generic than yours though. Excited to read your tutorial. Get on it.

    P.S. Did you photograph them on a polar bear? Nice touch. :)

  11. You know, there are many diy stockings in blogland right now but these are by far the hands down winner for me. Now that's a diy stocking I can get behind so hurry up and post that tutorial will ya?

  12. Wow! These are IMPRESSIVE! I'd never guess they were DYI. I'm going to have to see the tutorial to believe it :)

  13. These are really just beautiful!!! I really want them for myself. I would love if you would share these at our {Home for the Holidays} Link Party at The Corson Cottage every Friday in December:) Carrie


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